Mittwoch, 10. Oktober 2012


Whatever their long term impacts might be, but local-slow-sustainable food efforts bring a welcome thoughtfulness to the relationship between cities and food, reversing an amnesia brought on by industrial food systems. Though it seems to be the question how this new urban food movement in the context of the current economic and environmental crisis will be practiced and appreciated of there devotee's to which one may refer as Bourgeoise Anarchists(BoAn's) who are at a search for simpler live. They are focused on producing common–based rather than individual property work with flat hierarchies and trust–based principles. In general, they are transformative, not revolutionary, in character.
Right now a unclear mixture of selective purchasing, growing and food-sharing seems to appear – aiming for healthy food for all.

The interconnection of food and society:

A diet worth to try in 2012:

Food Justice Now in 2010:
Essay: Food Justice Now 2.500words

Resourcedistribution in 2010:
Mindemap: Gardens of Utopia 53nodes

Edible Estates in 2008:
Book: Attack on the Front Lawn

Urban Foraging turned into Community Event in 2006
Project: Fallen Fruit

The guerilla's pendant in 2004:
Site: guerrillagardening (watch out the link's)

From underground to pubpic a kick-off manifesto in 2004:
Book: Ein botanisches Manifest

The guerilla guardening pioneer allready in the 1970's:
Article: Adam Purple's Last Stand 3.000words

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